COVID19 Mitigation: Due to the COVID19 situation, the conference will be held fully online.
The online guidelines to attend EWSN 2021 are posted here.
Thanks for attending EWSN 2021
We hope to see you all next year in Linz, Austria for EWSN 2022.
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focusing on the latest research results on embedded systems and wireless networking, key enablers for visionary scenarios such as the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. Building on the past 17 years of success, the 18th edition will be held in Delft, The Netherlands. The conference continues its aim for broad, world-wide impact.
EWSN 2021 will feature the theme of “Embedded AI”, which reflects the recent technological advances in the intersection of embedded systems and AI and the vision of moving AI capabilities from the Cloud to the device and edge.
The EWSN conference is held in cooperation with ACM SIGBED and SIGMOBILE, proceedings will be published in ACM Digital Library and are planned to be indexed in further data bases such as SCOPUS or DBLP.
For the Full Papers Track
Best Paper Award
Application-driven Privacy-preserving Data Publishing with Correlated Attributes
Aria Rezaei (Stony Brook University, USA), Chaowei Xiao (Nvidia, USA), Jie Gao (Rutgers University, USA), Bo Li (UIUC, USA) and Sirajum Munir (Bosch Research and Technology Center, USA)
Best Paper Runner-Up Award
VIADUCT: Bridging the Gap between Testbeds and Real-World Cyber-Physical Systems
Philipp Sommer and Felix Sutton (ABB Research, Switzerland)
Best Video Award
A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT
Peter Kietzmann (HAW Hamburg, Germany), Lena Boeckmann (HAW Hamburg, Germany), Leandro Lanzieri (HAW Hamburg, Germany), Thomas C. Schmidt (HAW Hamburg, Germany) and Matthias Wählisch (Freie Universität Berlin)
For the Posters & Demos Track
Best Poster & Demo Award
Poster: Comparison of Channel State Information driven and RSSI-based WiFi Distance Estimation
Elisabeth Salomon (Pro2Future GmbH & TU Graz, Austria), Leo Happ Botler (TU Graz, Austria), Konrad Diwold (Pro2Future GmbH & TU Graz, Austria), Carlo Alberto Boano (TU Graz, Austria) and Kay Römer (TU Graz, Austria)
Best Video Award
Demo: SOCRAETES: SOlar Cells Recorded And EmulaTed EaSily
Sayedsepehr Mosavat, Matteo Zella and Pedro José Marrón (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
For the PhD Forum track
Best PhD Forum Presentation
Enabling Daily Tracking of Individual’s Cognitive State with Eyewear
Soha Rostaminia (UMass Amherst, USA)