COVID19 Mitigation: The organization team is monitoring closely the COVID19 situation. Remote presentations will be allowed. Depending on how things develop, the conference will be held fully online or in a hybrid manner.
Call for Abstracts for PhD Forum
The Ph.D. Forum at EWSN 2021 to be held in Delft, The Netherlands, on 17 February 2021, provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present their work-in-progress to the scientific community and to obtain individual feedback from leading researchers in the field.
The Ph.D. Forum will be structured as a series of presentations by the students, followed by a discussion with experts in the field to obtain individual feedback and advice. In addition, a poster session will provide an opportunity for more technical, in-depth discussions. The expert panelists will also share their experience and advice on how to carry out a successful Ph.D. and start a career as a researcher.
Current Ph.D. students in all stages of their career are encouraged to submit a 2-page abstract about their ongoing research to be considered for the Ph.D. Forum. The abstract shall also include a one-paragraph bio, along with brief information on how long the student has been enrolled in the Ph.D. program and the expected time until graduation. The student should be the *sole* author although contributions of the adviser and others should be acknowledged.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Ph.D. Forum committee to ensure quality, relevance, and potential benefit from attendance to the Forum. All accepted submissions will be published as part of the main conference proceedings. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to participate in person in the Forum on 17 February 2021, and to present a poster both at the Forum and at the main conference. There will be no separate registration fee for the PhD. Forum; that is, participating students will only need to register to the main EWSN conference. For any questions, please contact Akshay Nambi akshayn@microsoft.com or Marco Zimmerling marco.zimmerling@tu-dresden.de
Submission Instructions
Submissions need to be made in the form of a single 2-page PDF document describing the novelties and highlights of the ongoing and planned Ph.D. work. The extended abstract should include the name, affiliation, and e-mail address of the student on the first page, as well as a one-paragraph bio with information on how long the student has been enrolled in the Ph.D. program, expected time until graduation, and the name of the supervisor(s).
Pages must use 8.5" x 11" (letter) two-column format, using 10-point font on 11-point leading, with a maximum text block of 7" wide x 9" deep with an inter-column spacing of .25". The 2-page limit includes figures, tables, and references. Authors may use the LaTeX templates provided here.
Please submit your abstract and bio as single pdf through HotCRP at the following site: https://ewsn21phdforum.hotcrp.com/
Important Dates
S̵u̵b̵m̵i̵s̵s̵i̵o̵n̵ ̵d̵e̵a̵d̵l̵i̵n̵e̵:̵ ̵D̵e̵c̵e̵m̵b̵e̵r̵ ̵8̵,̵ ̵2̵0̵2̵0̵
Submission deadline: December 13, 2020 (extended)
A̵c̵c̵e̵p̵t̵a̵n̵c̵e̵ ̵n̵o̵t̵i̵f̵i̵c̵a̵t̵i̵o̵n̵s̵:̵ ̵D̵e̵c̵e̵m̵b̵e̵r̵ ̵1̵5̵,̵ ̵2̵0̵2̵0̵
Acceptance notifications: December 16, 2020
Camera-ready paper submission: December 22, 2020
PhD Forum: February 17, 2021, 5:00 - 8:00 (CET)
Each deadline is 23:59 UTC-12 (AoE).
PhD Forum co-chairs:
- Akshay Nambi, Microsoft Research (India)
- Marco Zimmerling, TU Dresden (Germany)
PhD Forum committee:
- Sara Khalifa, CSIRO Data61 (Australia)
- Shijia Pan, UC Merced (USA)
- Carlos Pérez-Penichet, RISE SICS (Sweden)
- Qing Wang, TU Delft (The Netherlands)