Call for Proposals to organize the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) 2022
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a leading international conference devoted to the exchange of research results in the field of wirelessly networked embedded systems. The conference structure has been revised in 2016, the scope has been broadened while there is a featured topic each year that puts a focus on a hot topic without excluding other topics in the scope of the conference. The featured topic is supported by special events such as the very successful dependability competition in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Several workshops are held in conjunction with the conference. EWSN is held in cooperation with ACM SIGBED and ACM SIGMOBILE, proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library following an open access model.SCOPUS also recently approved the indexing of the proceedings.
The EWSN Steering Committee is seeking proposals for the organization of EWSN 2022 at locations in Europe or locations outside Europe that are easy to reach from Europe. Such proposals should contain:
- Description of the proposed venue (pictures help)
- Reachability of the venue from Europe and the World
- Options for accommodation in the vicinity of the venue, including approximate room rates
- Options for social events
- Names and short biographies of the proposed general chair and program chairs
- Outline of the conference budget including estimated registration fees
- Research and industry activities related to EWSN in the region of the venue
- Suggestions for a featured topic along with special events supporting this topic
- Proposal for conference date and full-paper deadline. To minimize overlap with other conferences, we prefer a deadline in late May and a conference date in late September or early October.
Proposals should be sent by email as a single PDF file containing at most 6 pages to Kay Römer <roemer@tugraz.at>. The steering committee will review all proposals and may contact the proposers to obtain additional information. The submission deadline for proposals to host EWSN 2022 is January 15, 2021. Notifications will be sent well before EWSN 2021 takes place (February 17-19, 2021, held online) where the proposer is expected to introduce next year’s venue to the audience.
Since 2004, EWSN has been annually held at European destinations such as Berlin (Germany), Istanbul (Turkey), Zurich (Switzerland), Delft (Netherlands), Bologna (Italy), Cork (Ireland), Coimbra (Portugal), Graz (Austria), or Madrid (Spain). In 2019, EWSN was held for the first time outside of Europe, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. It is a 3-day event with workshops on the first day, followed by a two-day single-track technical program. In addition to that, special events (e.g., dependability competition) have been held before the conference. An important element of the conference is a combined demonstration and poster session with 30-50 exhibits. The conference was typically held on a university campus. In the last years, it typically had about 150 attendees.
EWSN Steering Committee:
Koen Langendoen, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Kay Römer, TU Graz, Austria (chair)
Thiemo Voigt, Uppsala University and RISE SICS, Sweden
Andreas Willig, University of Christchurch, New Zealand
Adam Wolisz, TU Berlin, Germany